Trying out Barbell for the first time?
This is what you can expect
warm up
total body strength with a free weight
strength training with the bar
core exercises
cool down and mobility
Barbell top tips
We focus on one muscle group at a time, and normally repeat each exercise 3 times (each set with 12-16 repetitions).
1. Start with a heavy bar. Don’t be afraid to put on several weight plates on the bar. We start with the legs and back, the biggest and strongest muscles in the body – they need a challenge!
2. Take off weights. We move onto chest, back and upper body, which usually means we want a lighter bar. The instructor will tell you when to remove weights.
3. Lightest weights closest to the centre. We end the class with biceps, triceps and/or shoulders. At the beginning of the class, when you prepare your bar, put the weights that you want for the arm muscles on first. That way all you need to do during the class is remove weights, instead of swapping and changing them around.
4. Have a go! If you can’t do all the repetitions, that’s no problem, take a break when you need to! If at the end of the song you feel like you could do more, choose heavier weights next time! You know that you have the right weights when you really need the short breaks in between each set.
Barbell is for everyone, and everyone is unique. Do your best and forget the rest!
Example Bars
Example bar with:
5kg (2,5 ------- 2,5) for the final block
7,5kg for the middle block (1 + 2,5 ------- 2,5 + 1)
17,5kg for the first block (5 + 1 + 2,5 ------- 2,5 + 1 + 5)
Example bar with:
10kg (5 ------- 5) for the final block
15kg for the middle block (2,5 + 5 ------- 5 + 2,5)
30kg for the first block (2,5 + 5 + 2,5 + 5 ------- 5 + 2,5 + 5 + 2,5)
Example bar with:
5kg (2,5 ------- 2,5) for the final block
6,5kg for the middle block (1,25 + 2,5 ------- 2,5 + 1,25)
10kg for the first block (1,25 + 1,25 + 2,5 ------- 2,5 + 1,25 + 1,25)